Phd Neuroscienc The goal is to create a language which can significantly accelerate innovation in the design and production of cyber-physical systems.
We are Seeking:
We are looking for a doctoral student interested in developing visual modeling, simulation, and visualization platforms over sharpness. This includes the development of graphical entry, rendering, and supports interaction, designing novel visualization technique, developed a large and diverse suite of reference models and visualization, and develop techniques to formally specify and verify such platforms.Phd Neuroscienc Expertise in formal semantics, Scala, programming model, and simulate all the desired functional.
Doctoral Studies:
Phd Neuroscienc Working as a doctoral student concerns of individual research studies, research and teaching (up to 20%) in the subject field. PhD students will become the property of Computer Architecture and Language team at the Laboratory of Computing and Communications (CC-lab) and the Research Center for Embedded Systems (CERES). Main Supervisor will Professor Walid Taha. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
Qualification Details:
Phd Neuroscienc Suitable candidates with a Master's in computer science or engineering. Students expecting to complete their degree during the spring of 2011 are also welcome to apply. The ability of students to benefit from doctoral studies will be taken into account when we make an appointment.
Application Deadline:
Limit the application is no more than 15/06/2011
Further details:
For more information about these scholarships please visit the link below.